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36 Railroad Ave

Plainfield, CT 06374


1. What techniques does Dr. Worsman use?

     Traditional Diversified

     Drop Table





2. Can other joints besides the spine joints be adjusted?

Yes.  Any of the skeletal joints can be adjusted. This is why chiropractic care is good for many shoulder, wrist, hip, knee and foot conditions.


3. What is the earliest age someone may need an adjustment?

Infants to elderly can and should have their spines checked and adjusted if needed. The adjustment techniques Dr. Worsman uses depend on a patient’s age, state of flexibility and overall health.


4. Can I get adjusted if I’ve had spine or joint surgery, even if it’s a fusion surgery?

Yes! While joints that are fused cannot be specifically adjusted, the joints above and below can and should be since they will have more stress put on them. The appropriate adjusting techniques will be used depending on what type of surgery a patient had.


5. How soon can I get an appointment when I call?

Same day appointments are usually always available.  Call our office today at 860-317-1212 to schedule!


6. Does insurance cover chiropractic?

Yes.  Click on the Insurance tab for details about what insurances our office participates in.