Plainfield Family Chiropractic Logo
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36 Railroad Ave

Plainfield, CT 06374


Services Offered:


 -Same Day Appointments Available

 -Traditional Spinal Adjustments

 -Treatments for all Ages, from Newborn up

 -Physiotherapy Modalities

 -Stretching/Exercise recommendations


What to Expect on Your First Visit:


1. New Patient forms are available here.


2. Dr. Worsman will review your history with you and do an exam to determine where the cause(s) of your symptoms are coming from.


3. Depending on what you present with, Dr. Worsman may refer you to one of the two local hospital based facilities for x-rays. If you have had any recent x-rays, MRI studies and/or CT scans done, we will ask you to sign a release so we may obtain your results for review.


4. Based on your history and exam findings, Dr. Worsman will start some form of treatment with you.


5. On your second visit, Dr. Worsman will go over your Care Plan which will outline your treatment schedule and goals for your care.